The first question we always get asked is how do you pronounce the name “Tselia”?
So we’ll break it down for you. First, the TS has the same phonetic sound as the word tsunami. With that in mind, the word sounds like “sell-E-uh”.
From there, people always want to know, “What does Tselia mean?”
Absolutely nothing. It’s a blank slate and an empty canvas for us to create meaning for. And because it doesn’t have a definition, we are hoping that eventually whenever you hear it, you’ll start to think of good coffee, cozy spaces, and that shop with those pink trees….
Meet Tselia

We are the hearts and hands behind Tselia, a little family of four. Coffee is quite literally a family passion and trust us when we say we’ve put every ounce of that passion into this shop. Some of us have been baristas for years (shout out to Matthew and Becca’s bi-coastal coffee careers) and some of us (hey Mom and Dad) have deeply enjoyed the benefits of having baristas in the family to keep the standards high. Our kitchen has always overflowed with a menagerie of coffee equipment ranging from little water distributors to upgrading the grinder a dozen times. Eventually, we found our place on Main St and we knew it was time to share our coffee love with Greenville. We are so excited to make you something delicious so next time you’re downtown, come say hi and tell us which sibling makes a better latte (hint: it’s the one in pink)!